About the trust: Conservation on private land

A Heritage Agreement is a legal agreement between private landholders and the South Australian Government to create conservation areas on private land and make a significant contribution to protecting and restoring native biodiversity across the state.

The 16:6 Heritage Trust was established in 2021 when four families came together with four sections of Heritage land that shared one or more boundaries.

The Sections

The Sections, 249, 226, 215 and 227 in the Hundred of Ridley, Black Hill were under existing Heritage Agreements, that had been in place since the early 1990's.

The Families

The families involved are the: Cameron's, Dridan's, Hanlon's and Ness's, who agreed upon a constitution which specified how the land should be managed for Biodiversity outcomes, and for habitat protection.

Our Aim

Generally protected lands under private landholders' stewardship manage themselves within the idiom "First do no harm". However, our active engagement in excluding negative impacts such; as illegal access, camping and firewood collection, along with investing into feral animal control and a commitment to reducing invasive weeds is allowing this natural area the best opportunities to prosper.

Research & Projects

In 2021 - 2022 we engaged a state approved consultancy to undertake survey work on Sections 249 and 215 to assist in the development of sound management practises and to target the key threats. (See the tab on projects for more details) we wish to continue applying for Government Grants and assistance programs to ensure that we are up to date with the best land management practises around climate change and resilience.

The name 16:6 Heritage Trust comes from Psalm 16:6

"The boundary lines of the land have fallen for me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me", "surely I have a delightful inheritance." This speaks to our aim to set aside and maintain the biodiversity of this beautiful place for our future generations.

From 2023 to 2025 we have engaged in a second Government Grant provided through DEW's Native Vegetation Group. The project tabs and the blog page will have ongoing updates on the projects